Best Websites to Earning with Mobile Phones

1. DonkeyMails

Earning Ways:
Click Ads, Signups, Paid Mails, Offers
With Mobile:
Just Click the ad and wait for the website to load. then click refresh. your account will be credited. Complete simple signup offers and earn around $0.1 They are not strict. It's enough if you just signup.

2. Triond
Earning Ways:
Write and Publish articles, upload photos, videos, etc.
With Mobile:
Just Write some simple articles about whatever you can and publish using your PC. Wait for it to be published, and then everyday browse that article in your mobile and click any ad in that page. the next day you will earn $0.1. You can earn more by clicking with different IP adress and Clearing Cookies after every Click.

3. MyBrowserCash
Earning Ways:
Install software to Computer, Click Ads, Completes simple Jobs, offers,surveys
With Mobile:
Goto Ads Section. Click ads. After Website gets loaded It will automatically ask you to click a link to get paid, else type this code in your browsers adress bar:
you will be automatically get paid. (If you use PC, You can Earn a lot of money each day.

4. MinuteWorkers:
Earning Ways:
Completing Simple Jobs on the net like Commenting, Facebook Likes, Visit websites, Rating Coupons,Voting, Sign Up, Surveys, and everything, which are needed by other users and get paid around $1 per each work.
With Mobile:
You can use your moble phone to use this site.

Top legit websites for Earn by completing offers

1. SeasonRewards

2. SuperPay

3. Points2Shop
